Breast milk pumping essentials

Here are the pumping essentials you need to get started right with breast milk pumping. You can read more on tips on how to get a pump for free through your insurance, store and prepare breast milk safely, and clean your breastfeeding equipment and feeding items here.

Breast pump

Apart from hospital-grade electrical pump that hospitals provide to pump right away after giving birth, there are three pump types to consider buying. Before ordering, make sure to check with your insurance which one they cover.

Personal electrical pump

Personal electrical pumps are a smaller version of the hospital-grade pumps with powerful suction to maximize breast milk extraction. They are a bit bulky to carry, but best to get that liquid gold.

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Portable electrical pump

Portable electrical pumps are battery-powered so you can use them while on the go. They are are smaller, but usually a bit less powerful to extract breast milk.

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Manual hand pump

Manual pumps are tedious to extract breast milk since for each suction you actually have to squeeze your hand. These pumps are best to take off the pressure a bit if you overproduce milk.

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Breast milk bags

To store pumped breast milk, you should have these special plastic bags that are reinforced, double-sealed and safe for breastmilk. These ones are freezer-safe and stand up in your fridge or freezer.

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Nipple cream

Nipple cream soothes sore nipples and prevents them from cracking open after pumping. This one is organic, lanolin-free, unscented and you don’t have to wash it off before the next pumping session.

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Nursing pads

Your breasts will likely leak at some point. Nursing pads help save your clothes and possibly prevent an embarrassing moment in front of colleagues or friends.

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Pumping bra

Pumping bras are good to hold the flanges while you pump, so you have your hands free. Many are made with nylon, but this one is 93% cotton so it’s breathable for extra comfort.

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Bottles and nipples

We recommend using plastic bottles, so they don’t break when they are dropped. This one a great starting bottle that mimics the shape of a breast nipple due to its wide neck shape. It’s also vented to baby doesn’t ingest air causing stomach aches.

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Bottle cleaning brush

A cleaning brush helps clean those tight bottles and nipples. This one has a combination of a sponge and bristle to clean the bottles effectively, and a nipple cleaner to get into the tight spots.

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Bottle washing soap

Standard dish washing liquids are usually petroleum-based and can leave a thin film of milk residue. Baby bottle soap is specialized to get rid of that milk left over in the bottle or nipple.

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Bottle drying counter rack

To dry bottles and nipples you’ll want to lift them off a flat surface so they dry well. Get a drying rack that is big enough for your parts. It should fit your pumping flanges as well as bottles and nipples.

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Bottle warmer (optional)

If you prefer a dedicated bottle warmer instead of using a cup or bowl with warm tap water to warm up stored breast milk from the fridge or freezer, this one is a good choice.

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Read next:

Breast milk pumping tips

Did you know you can get a breast milk pump for free through your insurance? Or how long you can store pumped breast milk? We provide tips and tricks on how to get started with pumping, how to store and prepare breast milk safely, and how to clean your breastfeeding equipment and feeding items.

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